Have you got your clean slate all ready to go? (Not sure what I mean? Click here to read last week’s post on starting the New Year with a clean slate.)
Are you ready to rock n’ roll?
This is the second prepping for New Year tip that I have for you this month. (Isn’t it nice to take things one step at a time? Steps make big tasks feel more manageable and not so overwhelming – and that can include planning what you want for your life in a New Year.)
Step 1: Clean slate.
Step 2: What do you want?
For this part you can start with a brain dump. Grab a pen that feels good when you move it across the page and start to list all of the cool things you’d like for your life.
Don’t hold back. Write it all down in whatever words come out.
Weight to lose. Muscles to gain. Books to read. Mountains to climb. People to meet. Cool peeps for reconnecting. Blogs to check out. Time for sleep, play, and work. Food you want to try. Cities to explore. Places of retreat you want to sink into.
You may come up with a list of three things. Or maybe you’ve got thirteen, or thirty. It doesn’t matter how many you write at this point.
List what you want without judgment.
All set? Feel like you’re ready for the next part?
Good. This is my favorite piece of this activity.
It’s time to look at the language you’ve come up with. Sometimes we have good intentions, but we don’t pay close attention to the language we use for framing those intentions.
The language we use might make us feel icky. Deprived. Like we’re going to miss out.
For example, imagine one goal or intention is to stop eating fast food.
This is great! A lot of us could probably do with a little less grease around the heart valves. But with this intention, we’re setting up to fail before even getting starting.
The language is to “stop.” To take away. To be on the losing team.
We are missing out on the power of the benefits. There is also a missed opportunity here to describe what we really do want.
Let’s reframe the intention to stop eating fast food.
Eat food that I prepare at home for the majority of my meals throughout the week. I can eat out for one lunch and one dinner, but otherwise will enjoy the benefits of home cooking for my health and for my wallet.
See how that sounds different? See how it feels different?
Language that feels good can help keep us connected to our goals and intentions.
That connection keeps us engaged. It turns that intention into a focus on the benefits, on what is gained, instead of focusing on the sacrifice and the loss. Keeping your thoughts on the good juju you get from sticking to your intentions and goals will propel you forward into the life you want.
Dive in. Cross out words that make you feel crappy and put in words that feel good. Really give yourself a chance to connect with why this change will make a difference in your life.
Soak in the positivity of your idea of your best self.
Until next time…
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Sara Marchessault is a coach, writer, and mom who helps busy women use journaling to create more space in their life for being productive without feeling overwhelmed. To learn more about Sara and her work in the world, please visit saramarchessault.com.
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