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Category: Family

Other people’s dirt

Sticky Goopy Crumbly Icky Gritty Sloppy In the toes Under the nails Grimy Black Red Brown Green Life Death Dirt Rinse away Fresh start Jude is running down the hill, shrieking with intention, full of joy and the energy of a four year old, and determined to take on the…

Ayla’s New Year Message

It’s New Year’s Eve! Most of us are thinking about the coming year, planning, deciding what will be most important, and dreaming about changes we want to make. I woke up this morning thinking about those same things. And honestly, feeling a little starved for some quiet time…

Cuteness: A reason to keep a journal

Tis the season of many things holy. Family time. Music, food, lights, old traditions and new experiences. Let me add: plain ol’ straight up cuteness. Yup, I’ve decided that cuteness is holy – at least for me it is. There’s enough tragedy in the world that cuteness deserves…