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Category: Family

Sticks stones and words that hurt

I have journal entries that are entirely about words. Some words are just so phenomenal that they deserve to be explored. Love Compassion Trust Fantasy Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious But it wasn’t until recently that I explored a word that I had never thought to explore before. This one is Evil. What…

Maybe all we need is light up shoes

The first time Ayla walked in the house with a pair of sneakers that lit up – thanks to a shopping trip with Nana and Uncle Gabe – a chill ran down my spine and I thought about how those shoes were going to attract so much attention. People would…

Know Thyself…To Know Thy Neighbor

When you pick up your journal to write, what is your purpose for bringing the pen to the page? Some days we just want to write down what’s been happening. It could be that your life is really great – rocking and rolling even, and you just need to…