Tis the season of many things holy. Family time. Music, food, lights, old traditions and new experiences.
Let me add: plain ol’ straight up cuteness.
Yup, I’ve decided that cuteness is holy – at least for me it is. There’s enough tragedy in the world that cuteness deserves recognition for being a facet of life that brings a smile to the face of so many.
We all have at least one thing that we find cute. Puppies. People helping people. Kids.
I am a mom. I see and hear cute things everyday. Cute outfits and hairdos. Sweet little voices telling me they love me.
But December seems to be the month where cuteness takes steroids and its all upped – not a notch, but a stratosphere.
Kids are in adorable holiday clothes. Little voices join in the caroling and festivities. And there is nothing cuter than a little one wanting to plan and create gifts for family and friends.
It makes me think about the reasons why we keep journals. If you’ve been following me for awhile, you may recall that I have a journal for just about every freaking thing under the sun.
Personal. Business ideas. Marketing. Clients. Poetry.
And one for each of my kids where I write them letters about milestones achieved, awesome stuff they do or say, or even just musings on what the latest holiday celebration was like for them. Or at least my opinion of what it was like.
All of these are good reasons to keep a journal, but now I’m thinking of adding a new one: a cuteness journal.
My cuteness journal wouldn’t be a place to capture ideas. Nor would its purpose be to process emotions and record the details of experiences.
What would I put in this journal? This one would be all about record keeping, particularly keeping records of cuteness that absolutely have to be remembered.
Here are some examples from just the last two weeks:
We’re so in love, aren’t we Mommy?
See this red sparkly fuzzy ball [a craft pom pom]? It’s the fire of God and its my job to protect it from people who want to steal the spirit of Christmas.
Big Mama…added to any sentence. My son has started calling me Big Mama.
When Mary was big and pregnant was she too heavy for the donkey to carry?
Please lets not watch the Christmas Carol – those ghosts are too scary. How about Charlie Brown?
Do you think Santa has a dragon? Could he bring me one?
Friend to Ayla at the playground: Why are you going in the boys bathrooms? Ayla: I’m looking for the balls.
Do you think we should leave Santa and Rudolph some of the pancakes that mommy makes? No Big Mama, I think we should save them for me.
What would you put in your cuteness journal?
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Sara Marchessault is a coach, writer, and mom who helps busy women use journaling to create more space in their life for being productive without feeling overwhelmed. To learn more about Sara and her work in the world, please visit joyfulbydesign.com or saramarchessault.com.
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