I just Googled “Time Management Strategies” and got 29,500,000 hits. There is no shortage of ideas out there.
And yet, all we need is one that can make a huge difference.
I’m excited to share with you a strategy I’ve been using that is working really well. It all started with a simple way to combat that pesky sensation of overwhelm.
My strategy was simple enough in technique. I made lists.
Step 1 was clearly identify what was overwhelming me. It was several things. That lead to step 2, which was to make a separate least for each project/goal/intention.
For each list, I broke down the steps that I needed to reach the goal. Complete the project. Or make that particular dream less dreamy and a little more real.
One thing that I love about lists is how they are neat and tidy and organized. But you know what?
Lists can make us feel overwhelmed too. Looking at all of the steps necessary to get what we want can be daunting.
This is where the new system comes in. I started cutting my lists up.
Then I put one step in my day planner. When I got that step done, I pulled out my list from my desk drawer, cut the next step off and put that one in my planner.
It has been working really well!
So, I upgraded from scraps of notebook paper and created a prettier sheet for my lists.
And I’m sharing it with you.
Click here to get your own form for One Step at a Time.
I’d love to hear about how it works for your. You can leave a comment below, email me, or visit me on Facebook.
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