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Category: Moms

Who’s at the center of your life?

If I asked you to name the most important person(s) in your life, what would you say? Would it be your spouse? Your kids? Or just wrap it up in one tidy package and say “my family.” How often is the answer to this question something more along these…

Does your space support your groove?

Once upon a time I worked on a school campus with students who needed extra help. I pulled kids throughout the school day for work in small groups or one-on-one, helping finish homework, write papers, or practice math facts. At the end of each day at this job…

Ayla’s New Year Message

It’s New Year’s Eve! Most of us are thinking about the coming year, planning, deciding what will be most important, and dreaming about changes we want to make. I woke up this morning thinking about those same things. And honestly, feeling a little starved for some quiet time…