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Category: Family

Heart Chart: Art we all need

The grown ups waited for Irma. She was slow and it tried our patience. We were stressed and worried. Concerned for friends and family in places that had already been hit hard. Between Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Katia, the Weather Channel ratings must be through the roof. When the big…

If it’s good for the gosling…

Today I attended a networking event where I got to talk to cool moms about journal writing. One of them told me that she’s interested in what she’s read about the use of journal writing as a tool to help students process what they’ve learned. The second…

Road Trip 2017 – One for the memory books

“What are you doing this summer?” my friend asked over the sound of crashing waves and giggling children. It was a windy, cold day on the beach, but spring break only comes once a year, and we weren’t spending it inside. “We’re thinking about a road trip. I…