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Category: Self Reflection

Who's calling your shots?

From Fizzled from Fired Out: Part 3 – Locus of Control Imagine a scenario where something awesome has just happened. How do you respond? “Woohoo, yay for me! I worked so hard and I totally deserve this!” “Not sure why this happened – must’ve gotten lucky.” The response here…

From fizzled out to fired up: Part 2

We lose our momentum because we might be too busy with all of the responsibilities we have. By the time we take care of our requirements, we don’t have any energy left for achieving that which is important to us…

When productive Post-It notes go awry

Don’t you love a good Post-it Note? Plump little pads. Available in all different sizes. With lines or without. A rainbow of colors. They stick and re-stick, etc. There is something satisfying about writing down one particular task or leaving a note on a Post-it. You…