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Category: Creativity

Poetry in your pages

Rooster is quiet Fridge and fan my company Words stay, sometimes flee The above original haiku inspired by yours truly was composed in honor of National Poetry Month. On April 1 I brought a group  of my students to a poetry reading on campus, which we quickly discovered was to…

What’s your holiday game plan?

It’s game time! Not Monday night. Not College Game Day. It’s holiday game time. (Almost.) Has holiday planning started kicking into gear for you? This week my inbox received emails with ideas for gifts for family members, holiday field trip info for my kindergartener, and the name of…

Who's calling your shots?

From Fizzled from Fired Out: Part 3 – Locus of Control Imagine a scenario where something awesome has just happened. How do you respond? “Woohoo, yay for me! I worked so hard and I totally deserve this!” “Not sure why this happened – must’ve gotten lucky.” The response here…