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Browsing Tag: journal writing

Does your anchor keep you safe…or hold you back?

There’s a painting on my living room wall that was done by Charles Hazelip, my mom’s darling husband, and its one of my favorites. The title is The Wreck of The Hesperus, a tribute to a poem of the same name by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The story in…

Poetry in your pages

Rooster is quiet Fridge and fan my company Words stay, sometimes flee The above original haiku inspired by yours truly was composed in honor of National Poetry Month. On April 1 I brought a group  of my students to a poetry reading on campus, which we quickly discovered was to…

The Silver Between the Lines

There is treasure in the pages of your journal. Like pirates digging for gold, you can sift through the pages of your personal writing and find silver, waiting for you to pluck it up and shine it. But, if you want to find the treasure in your journal, you have…