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Category: Self Reflection

Use your journal to power up your vision board

The first time I made a vision board I found this great image of a woman taking a leap. She was in a field and on top of one of those big, round hay bales, leaping from one bale of hay to the next. I put that on my vision…

Who’s at the center of your life?

If I asked you to name the most important person(s) in your life, what would you say? Would it be your spouse? Your kids? Or just wrap it up in one tidy package and say “my family.” How often is the answer to this question something more along these…

A message from a shoe

Last Tuesday I was worried about money. I was standing at the sink, washing the breakfast dishes, and my husband and I were discussing the long list of what it was going to cost us to move from Massachusetts back into our happy home in sunny Tallahassee. I could feel…