Tis the season of many things holy. Family time. Music, food, lights, old traditions and new experiences. Let me add: plain ol’ straight up cuteness. Yup, I’ve decided that cuteness is holy – at least for me it is. There’s enough tragedy in the world that cuteness deserves…
I have journal entries that are entirely about words. Some words are just so phenomenal that they deserve to be explored. Love Compassion Trust Fantasy Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious But it wasn’t until recently that I explored a word that I had never thought to explore before. This one is Evil. What…
The first time Ayla walked in the house with a pair of sneakers that lit up – thanks to a shopping trip with Nana and Uncle Gabe – a chill ran down my spine and I thought about how those shoes were going to attract so much attention. People would…