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Category: Journaling

When was your last deep dive?

March 1995 Today the silliest thing happened. I went to Publix on my lunch break and went up to the bakery and asked for a doughnut. When they handed me the bag, they didn’t ask for any money. I smiled and said thank you, and walked right out of…

Images make jazzy journals

One question I get asked more than any other when talking with someone about keeping a journal is this: How do you know what to write? I never know what to write. My response? Add images and use those images to practice what I call Vision Journaling. With Vision Journaling…

A sure fire way to help a little fighter

2016 was a whirlwind in many different ways. We all witnessed one of the most tumultuous elections most of us have ever experienced. Those of us in Tallahassee literally were in the “whirlwind” of Hurricane Hermine. My family packed up and moved our stuff to Tallahassee a short seven months…