Labor Day Journaling

Labor Day weekend is here! Come Tuesday morning, summer fun will officially have ended from sea to shining sea. Journal

Kids will go back to school. Formal etiquette tells us we should no longer be wearing white. And we can prepare for fall.

(Except in Florida, where the kids went back to school last week, it’s hot enough to want to wear white until November, and “fall” becomes a state of mind, not necessarily an actual change in temperature – I’ve learned to love it!)

One of my favorite times to journal is at the end of some sort of cycle, be it a season, another year, etc.

This is the time to look back at what you recently experienced, take what you can from it as far as what you can learn about yourself and others, and plan for moving forward.

It also gives you the chance to record your memories before they fade or change with time.

When I write at the end of the summer, I think of it as my Mommy Summer Journal because at this time in my life, summer is about spending lots of time with the kids.

What was summer about for you this year? Did you focus on work? A garden? Writing? Running? Learning to swim?

The time you take to self-reflect can propel you forward into the next season with a renewed sense of purpose.

Here are some prompts to get you started:

When the summer started, did you have an intention in mind? Do you feel that you met your own expectations for meeting that intention?

What part of your summer felt most like what “summer” means to you? Who were you with? What did you do? And most importantly, did you get what you needed to feel like your summer was what you wanted?

What was the most challenging thing you did this summer? Would you do it again and if so, what have you learned that you might change?

What are your goals for the year that you are still working on? What progress have you made so far? (If need be, approach this one gently – you either have something to celebrate now or you have will have something to celebrate later – no need for Debbie Downer talk here!)

What is your intention for the fall? Make it doable. Choose one thing you really want to do and stick with it. Want to write a book? Plan time in your schedule to write daily. Ready to jazz up your workout routine? Pick one new class at the gym and start there.

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Sara Marchessault is a coach, writer, teacher, and mom who helps busy women use journaling to create more space in their life for being productive without feeling overwhelmed. To learn more about Sara and her work in the world, please visit or

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